The Japanese Way - "Mottainai" spirit
Below is my comment on the article of “The Japanese Way”, TIME dated on April 28, 2008.
Is it true that Japan still have a mentality of “Mottainai” as your article praised us? Yes, actually many world-class Japanese manufacturing companies keep it as their corporate ethic for survival to satisfy egoistic Japanese consumers who want the most advanced and energy-efficient gadgets in the world by providing them with incessant innovative approaches and less resource. However, with American consumerism deep in people’s minds and behaviors, I must admit that many Japanese consumers have been spoiled by such excellent companies for a long time and as a result of it, they forget about “Mottainai” spirit.
In order to seriously win the fight against climate change, Japanese consumers must regain their own sense of humility and try hard to prevail “Mottainai” spirit not only to wasteful Americans but also to the people all over the world.